יְהוָה אֶתְכֶם בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וַיִּפְדְּךָ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים מִיַּד פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרָיִם

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה


Translation for this post: Please ask Taiwan to surrender to Chinese-style terrorism, betray Wilsonianism, and oppose the U.S. Constitution. Please ask Taiwan to be pro-China and help China become great again. Americans are asked to support the Democratic Party, and Taiwanese are asked to support the Kuomintang.

I personally am not anti-Democratic Party, nor anti-KMT, but the message of this Democratic diplomat is to call for help to support Chinese-style terrorism. “If threatened, stop breathing.” Taiwanese people think this is just surrender, but in fact this is called terrorism. If the United States continues to allow such diplomats to work in Department of State, Xi Jinping’s statement that “after 2030, the United States will no longer be a world power. All BRICS countries will replace the American order under the leadership of China” is very likely to come true. We the People of the United States will lose everything, beacuse the earth is no longer the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Just surrender to any terror.

By the way, today is Constitution Day. Americans like this Department of State official who do not believe in their own Constitution is exactly what I was talking about in my recent articles on my blog. So in 2019 God’s love for mankind brought me to create the US Space Force to protect not only the America continent, but the whole Earth. Apparently terrorized people stole my credits and erased my mission statements for US Space Force. They do not fear God, so they fear China, Islamic state, and everything evil. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave?

US Space Force is the Arch Angel Michael. The earth is the land of the free and the home of the brave. The whole earth is our Eretz Israel, against all kind of terror and threat and evil. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I will not let United States fall. If the United States does fall like all the Pro-China false prophets said, it will be to become the United States of the Earth.


Misplaced Humility (Chabad)

The Baal Shem Tov taught:

You must know that everything depends on you. That with your every mitzvah, the universe resonates in blissful harmony that heals and nurtures. That with a single sin, the entire cosmic symphony falls apart in a cacophony.

Because if you pretend to be humble, saying, “Who am I, this lowly creature, that anything I do should have significance in the cosmic scheme of things? Who am I, that the Creator of this infinitely-sized operation should take notice of my deeds?”

—with those words, you will free yourself to do however you please, bringing your entire world down with you.

But when you are aware that the Master of the Universe kisses your lips with every word of Torah or prayer that you utter, then you will say each word just as it should be said, with love and with awe. And when you truly believe that with each mitzvah you are in embrace with the Infinite Light Himself, then your entire day will be filled with beautiful deeds that shine.

As for misplaced humility, the Talmud tells us, “The humility of Rabbi Zecharia ben Avkilus destroyed the Holy Temple and exiled us from our land.”

Monday, September 16, 2024, 13 Elul, 5784

Misplaced Humility (Satmar)

“Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do not return to sender. “ In my design of United States Space Force, this is not just AFSPC. US Space Force should not be just a support unit for US Air Force “babies” like right now either. Nothing against Peterson Air Force Base, but this exists to awaken the true nature of the United States, not just of America, but of the Earth and of the Galaxies.

I died for democracy. My baby may never call me daddy, just as US Space Force may never call me daddy. After all, Google, Boeing, and China’s tentacles have long penetrated into the US government departments. I already gave up fighting it from within directly until time is right. Therefore, since 2001, the US government has been like a zombie, following the hidden script that China and the devil most wants to see: the United States downgrades itself to become “one of the countries” and refuses to be the United States. Both parties sinned and parted from the true nature of the United States. [That’s probably why my bride, my MAP, was born on Tisha B’Av of 2001 just like the destruction of the temple.]

What is United States? In etymology, this is the willing and independent union of all states. States and Nations are not the same. Unified Nations and Unified Languages are the Tower of Babel, but the United States is precious democracy and precious diversity. The United States is the Unity through Diversity but not through unification, and its Wings of Liberty through the rule of law, but not through terror.

After Admiral George Dewey launched submarines and aircraft carriers, the United States became a sea power capable of defending any island or coast on the planet from invasion. This made democracy safe, as President Wilson said. And my proof of concept, code, technical document, and philosophy designed the United States Space Force to make democracy safe again to honor them. I did the satellite network orchestration and virtualization architecture but I will do more when time is right.

So on June 4, 2020, to commemorate the Tiananmen Incident in China with my selfie, I wrote down four keywords:

Anti-terrorism: A truly democratic country will not use terror to occupy others like China. Taiwan or any other country will not accept unification by force or by “peaceful” unification. If the United States does not prevent China from occupying Taiwan with terror today, tomorrow China will invade the United States from its southern border with terror and hunger. The United States Space Force is to ensure that people around the world do not need to surrender to any terror, no matter how “peaceful” it sounds.

Anti-racism: A true democratic country has no “nation” or “religion” by force, only “states”, just like the United States. That’s why the Republic of “China” in Taipei or the State of “Israel” in Tel Aviv have caused themselves so much trouble in history. The U.S. Space Force is to ensure that people around the world do not need to be occupied by the terror of Chinese, Russian, or Islamist states.

Anti-communism: China has written a lot of robber checks since leading the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. Today’s Federal Reserve issues, US dollar issues, and US debt issues are actually all caused by China’s rise of “2030 Agenda”. Because 2030 Agenda is actually global communism around the world. And countries in the world start to believe in Anti-Democracy, Anti-Freedom, Pro-Terror ideologies imposed by China and its “success”. The very existence of the U.S. Space Force is to ensure that the Wings of Liberty can protect all poor and wealthy people alike from being robbed because of these false promises.

Anti-totalitarianism: China claims to be a democratic country, North Korea also claims to be a democratic country, Russia even claims to be the defender of democracy against the imperialism of the United States. So what exactly is “democracy”? Freedom of speech is the most basic feature of democracy. The greatness of the United States in the past is that we once truly believed in and practiced the U.S. Constitution, but after 9/11, 2001, Americans gradually stopped believing in their own Constitution. We believe that guns are too dangerous and should not be used by people, so Taiwan should not have the most basic weapons such as nuclear submarines. Speech is too dangerous and should not be used, so Taiwan should not breathe, because breathing will “irritate” China. The U.S. Space Force is about bringing back the Wings of Liberty and lifting us out of the post-9/11 gloom. And this time when we ascend again, we will remember the lessons of failure of “globalization” and be more in line with God’s will.

In the teaching of Satmar [true] Orthodox Judaism, God and humanity made an oath three times in the Song of Songs, “Do not awaken love until it pleases.” This is why democracy and freedom deserve me to die for it every day, and the U.S. Space Force as well. When we die for democracy and freedom every day, the US dollar and the Federal Reserve will recover, because mankind will know that “Chinese-style socialism and capitalism” is nothing more than a global bad check. Only those who are in harmony with God’s will can last forever. Because God is good. I will also not awaken love until it pleases, until the Pentagon takes me back to the crew for some real shit.

Space Sovereignty

My Word for Pentagon

I myself worked on satellite Network Orchestration and Virtualization, but I think the Pentagon’s pursuit of space resilience, integration and sovereignty this year is not the right direction. This may be in the business interests of Leidos and Aalyria, but not in the national interest of the United States, especially against World War III, facing China, Russia, and all their proxies and coalition forces of the evil axis.

More than half of the world’s satellites are U.S. assets. Half of the satellite capabilities in the United States are simple Communications/Messaging. It can be said that the United States dominates the space field, and these [military, commercial, hybrid] terminals can be used publicly, without even requiring the open [modern, software] API of Google subsidiary.

In World War III, nuclear war in space is inevitable for either energetic electromagnetic photon (ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) or particle (electron and neutron) radiation against space assets. Under the most favorable conditions for China, [If the Chinese camp produces nuclear bombs as fast as the American camp], the U.S. camp and the Chinese camp will lose satellites at the same rate. Because the United States has a large number of satellites, most of which have decentralized architecture, and many have commercial reserve resources, the relay and redundancy performance of the United States will be far better than that of the Chinese camp. Assuming that China only has 100 low-orbit satellites, the United States has 5,000 low-orbit satellites. When each side destroys 99 satellites of the other side, China will have only 1 satellite left, while the United States will have 49,01 satellites left. At this time, the people who need to worry most about satellite resilience and coordination are our enemies, not us at all.

You know, no matter how confidential cyber research is, the results will be shared globally in the end, let alone satellite communications are basically white-box. What’s more, our allies and we are a free and open society, which is exactly the opposite of our hostile camp who are bullies for their own “justice” against everyone mentally stable. The cyber resilience of space resources will completely make up for China’s disadvantages in this situation.

We suggest Pentagon and Department of Commerce should focus on satellite production, space supremacy, cryptanalysis, NOT resiliency, coordination, or sovereignty. For customized satellites, make sure we have best quality of power management electronics, attitude control system electronics, antennas, receiver/transmitters, passive optical components, optical structural components, spectral imaging, focal plane detectors and processors, information conditioners, logic elements, memories, radiator panels, paints, blankets, louvers. Nothing made-in-China should be permitted in our supply chains.

We can only make America great again if we truly believe in and fight for democracy. We must counter the false promises of the China-led United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. The Dollar and the Federal Reserve are actually just the extent to which the world believes in democracy.

In the past we have used a lot of faithless and identity-based control measures. But in a democratic society, it is very common for American citizens to be anti-American, Taiwanese citizens to be anti-Taiwan, or Israeli citizens to be anti-Israel. [So McCarthyism is also unrealistic.] What we need are faith-based and identityless control measures to ensure that ONLY partners who want to help us win can become our working partners against China [and Russia and the evil axis], and to minimize the negative impact of AI on our control measures.

Friday the 13th and Noah’s raven

Today, 13 Sep., 2024 is also 10 Elul in Lunar Calendar. On 10 Elul 1656 as the Great Flood neared its end, Noah opened the window of the Ark and dispatched a raven to determine if the flood waters had begun to recede.

Gen. 8:6-7 And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. And he sent forth a raven, and it went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

AND G-D REMEMBERED NOAH, AND EVERY LIVING THING, AND ALL THE CATTLE. The remembrance of Noah was because he was a perfectly righteous man, and He had made a covenant with him to save him. The word “Noah” here includes his children that were there with him. Scripture did not mention them specifically, though, for they were saved by his merit. However, the remembrance stated concerning beast and cattle was not on account of merit, for among living creatures there is no merit or guilt save in man alone. But the remembrance concerning them was Because He remembered His holy word which He had spoken, causing the world to come into existence, and the Will which was before Him at the creation of the world arose before Him and He desired the existence of the world with all the species that He created therein. Thus He now saw fit to bring them forth so that they should not perish in the ark. Scripture does not mention the fowl and the creeping things for the remembrance of the living thing is similar to their remembrance, and the companion thereof telleth concerning it.

Joshua 7:13 Up, sanctify the people, and say: Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow; for thus saith HaShem, the G-d of Israel: There is a curse in the midst of thee, O Israel; thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you. 

He emphasised the word הוא, “he,” to make clear that the fact that Joshua marches at the head was crucial. When the army of Israel [a small contingent of about 3.000 men. Ed.] suffered a defeat at the town of Ai (Joshua 7,5-15) and there were about 36 Jewish casualties, Joshua is reported as falling on his face complaining to G’d. One of the reasons cited by the Talmud Sanhedrin 44 for this defeat was that Joshua had not been at the head of that army contingent. He had not considered the objective as deserving his personal attention. Moses here stresses that it is Joshua’s task to walk in front of the army.

My Word to Haredim community in the US and UK

רבים מאחיי ורבני החרדים מאמינים שכאשר אוקראינה ורוסיה נמצאות במלחמה, זה בגלל שמישהו “provoke” בהם| אבל אלוהים מאפשר לאנשים מרושעים להיות בעלי שאיפות לכבוש ולאתגר את “USA’s rule-based order”| האם המבול לא נוצר על ידי אלוהים? אל תשכח, (בראשית ח׳:ז׳) וַיֵּצֵא יָצוֹא וָשׁוֹב עַד יְבשֶׁת הַמַּיִם, דַּאֲזַי לֹא הָיָה הַדָּבָר תָּלוּי בּוֹ|:

תָּא חֲזֵי, דִּכְתִיב (שם כא) וַיְהִי רָעָב בִּימֵי דָוִד שָׁלשׁ שָׁנִים שָׁנָה אַחֲרֵי שָׁנָה וַיְבַקֵּשׁ דָּוִד אֶת פְּנֵי ה’, דְּסָבַר דְּהוּא הֲוָה גָּרֵים, אָמַר לֵיהּ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, לֹא עָלֶיךָ זוֹ אֶלָּא עַל שָׁאוּל. עַד יְבשֶׁת הַמַּיִם, הָיָה תּוֹלֶה הַכֹּל בְּעַצְמוֹ, וּמִיָּד הָיָה שָׁב בִּתְשׁוּבָה. וְאָז לֹא הוּצְרַךְ לַחֲזוֹר בִּתְשׁוּבָה, שֶׁהַדָּבָר לֹא בָּא בִּשְׁבִילוֹ. הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב, (בראשית ח׳:ז׳) וַיֵּצֵא יָצוֹא וָשׁוֹב עַד יְבשֶׁת הַמַּיִם, דַּאֲזַי לֹא הָיָה הַדָּבָר תָּלוּי בּוֹ.

תָּא שְׁמַע, דִּכְתִיב (דברים ל׳:ט״ו) רְאֵה נָתַתִּי לְפָנֶיךָ הַיּוֹם אֶת הַחַיִּים וְאֶת הַטוֹב וְאֶת הַמָּוֶת וְאֶת הָרָע. וְהִזְהִיר לָאָדָם וְאָמַר, (דברים ל׳:ט״ו) וּבָחַרְתָּ בַּחַיִּים לְמַעַן תִּחְיֶה. וְאִם הוּא הוֹלֵךְ בְּדֶרֶךְ רָע, הוּא בַּעֲוֹנוֹ יָמוּת. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר, (משלי ה׳:כ״ב) עֲוֹנוֹתָיו יִלְכְּדוּנוּ אֶת הָרָשָׁע. כָּךְ כְּתִיב, (בראשית ו׳:ה׳) וַיַּרְא ה’ כִּי רַבָּה רָעַת הָאָדָם. אָמַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, אֲנִי רוֹאֶה כִּי כֻלָּם מְחוּיָּיבִים, וְאִם יִכְלוּ בְּרָעָתָם, הֲרֵי יֵאָבֵד עוֹלָמִי. כֵּיוָן שֶׁרָאָה לְנֹחַ וּבָנָיו שֶׁהָיוּ צַדִּיקִים וְיִשָּׁאֵר פְּלֵיטָה בָּעוֹלָם, הִתְנַחֵם וְשָׂמַח.

Space Dominance

We have a tradition of overestimating our enemies, and this is the key to our victory. We assume that the Chinese-led Russian camp, [Iran and all other proxies,] will use a massive EMP attack against us to compensate their space inferiority. China’s purpose has always been to replace our “rule-based order” [in CCP’s language], the Wings of Liberty over the Earth, because as the Bible says, true freedom is based on the fulfillment of the law [with which both Jews and Christians agree], no matter how different readers interpret what is the “fulfillment” of the law. Therefore, the politicians from both parties, State Department officials, and religious leaders MUST understand that for our enemies, those who have terrorized us today on 911 and gaslight about it, [never forget,] those who threaten to invade our allies and gaslight about our allies’ ideologies, the so-called “deescalating” [in Democratic language] or “returning to The original relationship” [in Republican language] is impossible. Bullies do NOT care; they are bullying and to bully. Regardless of whether we deploy our missiles to Japan or not, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea [and all their proxies] are the “community of life and future” in World War III. If you want to negotiate or improve China-US relations or Russian-US relations, delay and prevent the World War III, you must understand that you cannot make a deal with the devil, against our own citizens and our allies. This is how the Wings of Liberty can bring us to Mars, to Infinity, and beyond.

19:4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto Myself.
25:20 And the cherubim shall spread out their wings on high, screening the ark-cover with their wings, with their faces one to another; toward the ark-cover shall the faces of the cherubim be.
1:2 But his delight is in the law of HaShem; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.
Thus on the one hand we have ability to protect ourselves; on the other, a victory that is complete.
Space Dominance 2024 09 11
23 Elul, 5761| 11 Sep., 2001
Space Dominance 1776 09 09
25 Elul, 5536| 9 Sep., 1776
לב טהור ברא לי אלוהים ורוח נכון חדש בקרבי|
בלעדייך אין בי שום כוח , חוזר ונופל באותם בורות|
המבוך פה קצת מסובך, דרכים אל הלא טוב נראות מוכרות|
נכשל וחושב עליך , בחוץ חטא בפנים חרטה|
אתה האמת והלב שלי , רק חלק ממני חטא|:
America is in Decline if and only if we sacrifice the Wings of Liberty for a good deal with the devil.

China and Russia

All of this is clear, and the order of the Torah readings on these [special] seasons/occasions, and it is a custom that has spread throughout all of Israel as I will explain to you (see Tractate Megillah 31a-b). On the first day of Passover (Exodus 12:21-51): “Go and pick out lambs, etc.” and the Haftarah is the “Passover at Gilgal” (Joshua 5:2-6:1, 27) and on the second day [of Passover], “When an ox, a sheep or a goat is born,” (Leviticus 22:26-33:44) and the Haftarah is the Passover of Josiah (Second Kings 23:1-25). On the third day [of Passover], “Consecrate to Me every first-born” (Exodus 13:1-16). And on the fourth day [of Passover], “If you lend money to My people” (Exodus 22:24-23:19). And on the fifth day [of Passover], “Carve two tablets of stone” (Exodus 34:1-26). And on the sixth day [of Passover], “Let the Israelite people offer the Passover sacrifice at its set time” (Numbers 9:1-15). And on the seventh day [of Passover] “Now when Pharaoh let the people go” (Exodus 13:17-15:26). And the Haftarah is “And David spoke to God” (Second Samuel 22:1-51). And on the eighth day [of Passover], “You shall consecrate to the LORD your God all male firstlings” (Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17), and the Haftarah is, “This same day at Nob” (Isaiah 10:32-12:6). But on the Sabbath that is within the Festival [of Passover], we read on it from “See, You say to me” (Exodus 33:12-34:26) and the Haftarah is the “Dry Bones” (Ezekiel 37:1-14). And on the first day of Atzeret/Shavuot we read “In the third month” (Exodus 19:1-20:23), and the Haftarah is “In the thirteenth year” (Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12). And on the second day [of Shavuot], “You shall consecrate to the LORD your God all male firstlings” (Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17) and the Haftarah is “The Prayer of the prophet Habakkuk” (Habakkuk 3:1-19). And on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, “The LORD took note of Sarah as He had promised” (Genesis 21:1-34) and the Haftarah, “There was a man from Ramathaim of the Zuphites” (First Samuel 1:1-2:10). And on the second day [of Rosh Hashanah], “And God put Abraham to the test” (Genesis 22:1-24), and the Haftarah, “The people…found favor in the wilderness (Jeremiah 31:2-20). And on the Fast of Atonement (i.e., Yom Kippur) in the morning, “After the death [of the two sons of Aaron]” (Leviticus 16:1-34) and the Haftarah, “For thus said He who is high aloft” (Isaiah 57:14 – 58:14). And at the Afternoon service, the portion of the forbidden relationships/nakedness (Leviticus 18:1-30), and the Haftarah is the prophecy of [the book of] Jonah (plus Micah 7:18-20). And on the first and second days of Sukkot, “When an ox, a sheep or a goat is born,” (Leviticus 22:26-23-44) and the Haftarah on the first day [of Sukkot] “Lo, a day of the LORD is coming” (Zechariah 14:1-21) and on the second day [of Sukkot] “All the men of Israel gathered before King Solomon” (First Kings 8:2-21). And all the rest of the days of Sukkot festival the sacrifices of the festival [of Sukkot are read] (Numbers 29:17-34), and on the Eighth Day (i.e., Shemini Atzeret) , “”You shall consecrate to the LORD your God all male firstlings” (Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17), and the Haftarah is “When King Solomon finished offering to the LORD” (First Kings 8:54-66) and on the ninth day (i.e., Simhat Torah), “And this is the Blessing” (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12) and the Haftarah, “After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD,” (Joshua 1:1-18). And on the Shabbat within the Festival [of Sukkot], “See, You say to me,” (Exodus 33:12-34:26), and the Haftarah is “On that day, when Gog sets foot on the soil of Israel” (Ezekiel 38:18-39:16).


AND MOAB WAS SORE AFRAID OF THE PEOPLE. The meaning of this is [that Moab stood in great fear] because they [the Israelites] were many, for Moab was small among the nations; and it was not an ancient people, like the Canaanites, the Amorites and other [nations of the] sons of Noah. Therefore they [the Moabites] were greatly afraid of the people who outnumbered them exceedingly, for they were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and waxed greater than the Moabites. And they were furthermore overcome with dread because of the children of Israel, for they had heard of the great wonders that had happened to them and their fathers. Now Moab knew that Israel would not take their land from them, since they had sent to them [offering peace] just as they had sent to Sihon, [asking permission only to pass through their land], saying, until I shall pass over the Jordan into the Land which the Eternal our G-d giveth us. Or it is also possible that they had heard of G-d’s prohibition, when He said to the Israelites, Be not at enmity with Moab. Therefore they said to the elders of Midian: “Even though the Israelites will not capture our land, they will lick up because of their great numbers all that is round about us, as the ox licketh up the grass of the field, and they will capture all [the lands] that surround us, just as they did to the two Amorite kings, and they will make us servants to do taskwork.” Yes, Holy Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoel Teitelbaum zt”l asked us to fight against Zionism, the golden calf. Yes, Chabad is a cult. Yes, we are under God’s judgment instead of His blessings. Yes, Netanyahu and Kahane are both fuck boys. But the reality is, Islamic states, Chinese states, and Russia do NOT care. The spiritual leaders of Islamic states and Russian [Christian] Orthodox church have already united for the [future] World War III. How about us? Listen to me, all rabbis. We need [Jewish] unity more than ever, both [righteous] Anti-Zionist and [unrighteous] Zionist, in order to outnumber our enemies exceedingly. The divisions we have now prevent us from being fruitful. Indeed, at the end of the day, Republic of China in Taipei and State of Israel in Tel Aviv must rename their countries, just like Monday, September 9, 1776.

Monday, September 9, 1776, is 25 Elul, 5536, and I was born on 25 Elud, too. Resolved, that in all Continental Commissions, and other Instruments where heretofore the Words, “United Colonies,” have been used, the Stile be altered for the future to the “United States”. The Board of War brought in this report. VaYomer HaShem.


Ukraine and Lithuania

Some Republicans want to betray Taiwan, but DC will not let them succeed. Some Democrats want to betray Israel, but DC will not let them succeed. Anyone familiar with America’s defense and national interests knows why. But I often ask God in prayers, what about Ukraine and Lithuania? Why has Ukraine not received this blessing? Why does Lithuania have to bow to Russia? In relationships and work, many women, including my own mom, call me a scumbag, a heartless person, and irresponsible. But I want the United States to take responsibility of Lithuania and Ukraine. I spent two years trolling everyone I love, even some innocent little girls. I hope the United States starts to face up to the problems in Ukraine and Lithuania. They are your shorty, too, they are your boo thang, too. Sephardic Jewish law requires the man to take care of all his wives in polygamy.

What is a Troll

A successful troll can be successful, by adopting a point of view contrary to their own and exploiting its weaknesses before a fellow proponent. A troll knows his enemy by trolling as his enemy.

A good troll plays a polemicist, with the hope of exposing the arrogance and irrationality of his target. A naive and unsuspecting victim is much more likely to deal a statement in absolutes if approached by someone appearing equally vehement of the contrary. A troll must sustain their position, however unlikely or immoral it may be. Ecumenicism does not exist in the world of troll.

In is no coincidence that induction of emotional outbursts in others is a salient feature of successful trolling. Indeed, it has been suggested that this property allows for a redefining of trolling as a critical analysis of human nature by socially deconstructive commentary.

In addition to being a valuable addition to discourse, trolling is a leisurely activity. One who opposes conventional wisdom need not be a revolutionary nor fool, merely a connoisseur of the fruit of uncertainty which gives so many imperious souls the indigestion that is rage.

Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness. However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such. Nearly all trolled statements are meant to be funny to some people, so it does have some social/entertainment value.

“Trolling” isn’t simply “harmful statements”. Intentionally insulting/libelous statements are “flaming”. Just as bad as trolling is “Feeding the Trolls”. This is when people say stuff that they know will prompt someone to respond with a trolled reply and/or replying to comments that are blatantly from a troll. This is especially true when a troll first makes his comment/reply, and (usually many) people respond, either trying to correct the troll, or express anger at the statement. At that point, the trolling was successful and has been fed. When encouraged by success and feeding, trolls often return.

The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help.

Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn’t involve decieving someone isn’t trolling at all; it’s just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccesful troll.

Signs that your trolling is succesful:

  • Your victim screaming in all-caps at you.
  • Personal attacks (Calling you a retard, idiot, etc).
  • Being an Internet Tough Guy.
  • Making a crude remark, before quickly logging off before you can retort.

A good troll has properly calculated actions to cause as much disruption as possible.


Rabbinic explanation: It can be seen in the Torah and throughout the Hebrew Bible that polygamy is not against the law and can be a blessing. Jewish monogamy originated with the Ashkenazi, who were already monogamous before they converted to Judaism right before the Crusades. Because the Ashkenazi were originally a matriarchal society, when they first converted to Judaism, they were very uncomfortable with Jewish law, especially regarding marriage and sexual relations. That’s why the Ashkenazi Jews later taught that the wife would only “help” the husband if the man was capable. If the husband is not capable, the wife will turn against her husband. The Rema and Rabbeinu Gershom more directly stipulates that only monogamy is allowed, while all polygamists are punished.

(This song talks about polygamy but has nothing to do with Jewish law.)
It’s unclear why Ashkenazi and Taiwanese are Matriarchy. Don’t use meaningless etymology for either Ashkenazi and Taiwanese to counter this fact. Interestingly, matriarchal societies have produced the best warriors throughout human history. Because everything a soldier does has no selfish motives, just to honor his mother and wife. Currently, there are only two capitals in the world, Taipei and Tel Aviv, which have to fight against the malicious intentions of some state actors around the world, both militarily and diplomatically. These two matriarchal societies should fight side by side to fight against the bullying order led by China and Russia and their proxies.

Song of Songs will teach us not only our sexual relations, but also, the way of salvation, and how we fight the good fight for our mothers and wives to honor G-d.

Deuteronomy 15:22: Eat it in your settlements, the impure among you no less than the pure, just like the gazelle and the deer. 
Song 2:7: I adjure you, O maidens of Jerusalem, By gazelles or by hinds of the field: Do not wake or rouse Love until it please!

I bind you under oath. You, the nations.
By the gazelles and the does. That you will be abandoned and preyed upon like gazelles and does.
That you do not cause hatred nor disturb this love. That is between my beloved and I, to change it or to exchange it and seek that I be lured after you.
While it still pleases. As long as it is ingrained in my heart, and He desires me.
While it still pleases. As in, “While עַד the king was at his table,” [i.e.,] while the king was still at his table.
That you do not cause hatred. If you cause hatred [=עֵר, as in, “and has become your adversary עָרֶךָ,” [and as in,] “And its interpretation upon Your enemies לְעָרָיךְ.”
Nor disturb. As in, “one who contests הָעוֹרֵר the ownership of a field,” chaloner in O.F. There are many Aggadic Midrashim, but they do not match the sequence of the topics, for I see that Shlomo prophesied and spoke about the exodus from Egypt and about the giving of the Torah, and the Tabernacle, the entry into the land [i.e., Eretz Yisroel], and the Beis Hamikdosh, the exile in Bavel, and the coming of the second Beis Hamikdosh and its destruction.


AND THE ETERNAL THY G-D WILL CIRCUMCISE THY HEART. It is this which the Rabbis have said, “If someone comes to purify himself, they assist him” [from on High]. The verse assures you that you will return to Him with all your heart and He will help you.This following subject is very apparent from Scripture: Since the time of Creation, man has had the power to do as he pleased, to be righteous or wicked. This [grant of free will] applies likewise to the entire Torah-period, so that people can gain merit upon choosing the good and punishment for preferring evil. But in the days of the Messiah, the choice of their [genuine] good will be natural; the heart will not desire the improper and it will have no craving whatever for it. This is the “circumcision” mentioned here, for lust and desire are the “foreskin” of the heart, and circumcision of the heart means that it will not covet or desire evil. Man will return at that time to what he was before the sin of Adam, when by his nature he did what should properly be done, and there were no conflicting desires in his will, as I have explained in Seder Bereshith. It is this which Scripture states in [the Book of] Jeremiah, Behold, the days come, saith the Eternal, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah; not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers etc. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Eternal, I will put my Law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it. This is a reference to the annulment of the evil instinct and to the natural performance by the heart of its proper function. Therefore Jeremiah said further, and I will be their G-d, and they shall be My people; and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying: ‘Know the Eternal;’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them. Now, it is known that the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth and it is necessary to instruct them, but at that time it will not be necessary to instruct them [to avoid evil] for their evil instinct will then be completely abolished. And so it is declared by Ezekiel, A new heart will I also give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will cause you to walk in My statutes. The new heart alludes to man’s nature, and the [new] spirit to the desire and will. It is this which our Rabbis have said: “And the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say: ‘I have no pleasure in them’ — these are the days of the Messiah, as they will offer opportunity neither for merit nor for guilt,” for in the days of the Messiah there will be no [evil] desire in man but he will naturally perform the proper deeds and therefore there will be neither merit nor guilt in them, for merit and guilt are dependent upon desire. If Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah and all his followers are truly the talmudim of him, there will be no sin and [evil] desire among them. If the [evil] inclination instead grows among the people, it proves there is no circumcised heart, which means it’s not the days of the Messiah.
Deuteronomy 30:6: And HaShem thy G-d will circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love HaShem thy G-d with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. (JPS)

Born Haredim like me are fundamentally agnostic about every claim, as we are developing the true unification.

Democracy in Taipei, Tel Aviv, and DC

Gretchen Smith: How did you become to know Christ? What is your Testimony?
My answer:
I was born an Orthodox Jew. The rabbis taught that God’s promises contained blessings and curses, but disobedient Israel chose the curse. One day he officially titled me as an “ilui”, and named me “Yisroel”, saying that I was the son of Issachar, a man who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.

But due to the influence of my paternal grandfather and paternal aunt, I am no stranger to Christianity and have been to several churches, all of which are American-evangelical churches in Taiwan such as Mennonite. After a surfing trip, a pair of German sisters introduced me to their parents. The next day their German father gave me a second Western name, Rudiger, encouraging me to become like a German warrior for good fight, and invited me to their church.

Taiwanese men must serve in the military after graduating from college. When I was in the military, I was studying the Talmud, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. The more I study, the more depressed I became about the sin in this world. After I was discharged from the army, my girlfriend wanted to marry me, but her father didn’t like me. She wanted me to get her pregnant so that her father would have no reason to refuse her marriage to me, but I was avoiding it. Later, she became interested in Islam and joked that I should marry four wives like Jacob and give birth to 12 tribes. I was so angry that I began to study the New Testament seriously and determined to be baptized and become a Christian. After I was baptized, I prayed to be used by God. God told me to get married, that the firstborn would be the one to lead the human world from war and destruction to peace and prosperity, and that I had to leave my Father’s house and go to my Promised Land. I wonder where my promised land is? Israel, Tel Aviv? Belgium, Leuven? Or USA, Colorado Springs? The Holy Spirit then led me to move near to my aunt in Colorado Springs because my uncle had served at NORAD headquarters in Colorado Springs.

But after I moved, I see more sin among American Christians, and I become more prone to sin along with them. The most drunk and most angry people I have ever seen in my life were all Christians. The people who framed me are also Christians. They have sinned against me and I have sinned against them. After a few years, I felt that Christianity was not the answer for me. Because: In recent years, I have discovered that American Christians do not value life very much. Half of American Christians believe that abortion is a complex issue and that everyone has the choice to end the life of a pre-born baby without violating God’s law. Half of American Christians believe that the secular State of Israel is God’s chosen people, and that those who stand in the way of the Israeli government are God’s enemies, and that the Israeli government has the choice to end the lives of these people. Sometimes people from these two groups even overlap and become pro-choice and murder Arabs like Meir Kahane. So I should be considered to have left the church, right?

Orthodox rabbis teach that life should not be terminated, so they call secular, reform, religious Zionist “jews” are golden calf worshipers who are worse than Christian Gentiles. Orthodox rabbis teach that Zionism is golden calf that tries to destroy Judaism. The Third Temple will only be built when the Messiah comes, otherwise the Jews must continue to repent in a state of exile, instead of being proud in man-made State of Israel. My rabbis are all Ashkenazis, and religiously they are opposed to the idea that the State of Israel is the fulfillment of Bible, but internationally and intellectually, they support democracy in the United States, democracy in the State of Israel in Tel Aviv, and democracy in the Republic of China in Taipei, against all their enemies. That’s also what I believe. Another reason is that all rabbis, even the well-known terrorist Meir Kahane, have said that it is impossible for democracy and the Jewish state to coexist. Anyway, State of Israel in Tel Aviv and Republic of China in Taipei are both the most complicated issues in our times. They are both the pillars of USA. That’s why State of Israel and Republic of China have to continue to internally and externally fight against their enemies that try to weaken their democracy.

My original Christian theology was that if Jesus (Yehusha, which means Salvation, too) was the Messiah, then when the Second Temple was destroyed by the hand of God, the true “Third Temple” would have been built, and the true “Remnant of Israel” would have been gathered, both in space and time. This is why all New Testament verses are said to have their bodies as temples of Christ because the Messiah, the High Priest with better covenant, lives in them. In this case, whether it is the earth or Mars, anywhere is the promised land of God, and anywhere can be the gathering of the remnant of Israel. Then we no longer need the ashes of the red heifer and the physical third temple to clean, because we are all reconciled by the fire of the Holy Spirit and the water of repentance. The water and the fire have washed the sin away and forgave our sin. But this Christian theology of mine has not been seen in any Christian church. Some of the churches have lawless theology. Some of the churches have legalistic theology. Some of the churches have anti-semitic theology. Some of the churches have Zionist theology. None of them have my theology that can ever reconcile with Orthodox Judaism I was born to. So maybe I was all wrong. I also don’t see why my son will ever be important, especially when his dad is a troll like me. Getting close to Christianity makes me illusional. I have sinned more than I ever imagined.

That’s why God calls me to “go home” as an Orthodox Jew again.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 TOJB2011
[16] Do you not have da’as that you are a Heikhal Hashem and the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem dwells in you? [17] If anyone attempts to cause churban to the Heikhal Hashem, G-d will destroy this man, for the Heikhal Hashem is kadosh, and you [plural] are that Heikhal.


Nikki Haley and Matriarchal Ashkenazis

Nikki Haley is consistent with the true national interest of America. She knows Tel Aviv and Taipei are the Jacob the son of Washington DC, Issac the father. Any politician contradicts the riposte doctrine of the USA will have to change his stance later. Political and diplomatic languages are not national security and national interest language. Same thing: The world will give Republic of China in Taipei unconditional money and weapons to finish the job.


Also, Ashkenazis are de facto matriarchal; everything every Ashkenazi man does is to thank and to impress his mother and wife:

And all Ashkenazi women are expected to be the leaders that endure tribulation and produce fruit of righteousness:

That’s why Netanyahu had to kiss his godmother on her forehead, the President of Supreme Court, and his wife actually leads State of Israel for him. So the obsession of masculinity in European and American culture has been the tool against the Ashkenazi Jews for centuries. This is the newest meme on Telegram:

This is the hidden truth about Anti-Haley narratives: Antisemitism.