Only True Rabbi
People get mad at me because they don’t like being used as chess pieces and they don’t like being trolled. But if you are not a chess piece of Jesus, you are already a chess piece of Satan. Is there a third option? Both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament say no, but the rabbis inspired by “angels” say there is always third option. Do you want to believe in Jesus or the rabbis? Since World War I, Americans have believed in rabbis rather than True Rabbi Jesus. As Rabbi Jesus revealed, which one, of communism, terrorism, deterrence tactics, atomic bombs, no-prayer orders, revanchism, abortion, feminism, wokeism and everything controversial, does not come from the “wisdom” of the Jews? Rabbi Jesus revealed, Jews is not a race, but a religion. Satan is the most beautiful and wise angel, so the Jews already erased the true history of all the evils they did to others. Through the Tower of Babel, Jewish Pharisees have controlled the freedom of speech in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization since 1945, because they knew their previous Communist International was “not very successful” at first. Then, it inspired the Communist China of cultural evolution, and all online platforms of today, and now the mass censorship of the United States of America. Satan believes that he was born pure, but only true Christians “misunderstand” him. Therefore, Orthodox Judaism and other sects teach that all people are born pure and should not believe in Jesus Christ because you do not need an Atonement. They teach Yetzer Hara of Satan is “misunderstood”. They say, You should walk with us (halakah), so you do not walk with Jesus Christ. If you carry any “rabbinic wisdom”, you don’t have to bear the cross. Do you know all of you and your grandfathers and your grandsons have already been in the bondage since 1945? They did not tell you you are already rejecting Jesus in everything you do. They just told you their Jewish “wisdom” of good and evil.
A bunch of “Christians” still share memes of roaring lion who devours because they don’t obey the Lion of Judah who saves. They are not one of the true born-again Israel, so they worship a false “Israel” who never wrestled with the messenger of God, and never obeyed the Gospel. The leaven of the Pharisees has leavened the whole world since the cycle of Armageddon began in 1945. No one can understand the Bible now. All were deceived “because of the angels,” and the Holy Spirit was grieved, and Jesus was grieved. When the Jews rejected the Root of David, they were inspired by the Root of Saul, became the children of witchcraft, and called it the star of David, in order to reject the Root of David. And most “Christians” rejoiced with the sons and daughters of witches, against the Law of Moses and the Law of Paul, both according to Jesus Christ, the will of YHWH. By their disobedience, they deny the Lion of Judah who saves, but worship the roaring lion who devours.
Because of it, Rabbi Jesus sent me to America in 2019 to do major revival surgery for this country, saying He would make everyone hate me because Americans hated Him first.
I didn’t believe it at the time, thinking I could “happily preach and end the cycle of Armageddon.” But was it possible? Man simply does not acknowledge his sinful nature and continues to live in the sin of the Jewish Empire of United States of America. Because sin makes them feel good about themselves. Taiwanese and Japanese had already forgiven Americans and Jews in 1945. The blood is now oblivion and the refugee illegal government is now “lawful”. If you go to Taiwan, all Japanese and Taiwanese people will warmly welcome you. But God is righteous and will avenge, send all His enemies into the lake of fire in hell. Amos said he was just a peasant and had no desire to be a prophet who brings the tidings of doom. I also often say that I was just a coding peasant (software developer) and I had no desire to be a prophet who brings the tidings of repentance (Amos 7:14). But the LORD has chosen me, what can I say? Facts have also proven that no one has ever spoken about all the information Jesus asked me to write down. It’s all oblivion now. The whispers of the Holy Spirit are already very quiet, and everyone’s prayer requests are selfish, no wonder they do know hear this. By the leaven of Pharisees, the hypocrites misinterpreted “bless they who bless Thee” as “sacrificing more money, lives, and freedom of speech, so Jesus will come back,” and turns out getting more Jewish “blessings” from the angel Lucifer, because the Jewish Pharisees have hindered the freedom of speech in history office and information office of every country since 1945.
I am grateful to all those who are willing to be my chess pieces, because when you are my chess pieces, you are Jesus Christ’s chess pieces. As Rabbi Jesus told me that I am his double-edged sword, Jesus Christ came with a sword. He leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying. As His double-edged sword, I am a chess piece for Jesus Christ as well. Stand firm in the True Rabbi Jesus Christ for the freedom of speech and Taiwan Independence, against the leaven of Pharisees and the endless cycle of Armageddon since 1945.
Matthew 10:34-36
Matthew 18:12-14
Professional Victim
Rabbi Jesus: The father of the professional victim, the Jews, is Satan, for Satan is the father of lies and murder. It’s not a news, but the endless cycle of Armageddon since 1945. When the Word of God is against the Jews, the Jews twisted the interpretation and banned the freedom of speech, and said God made mistakes and the Word had errors. For the Son of Man and all the truth is not in the “reliable sources” of Satan, I said the Jews killed me through the mouth of Paul. I have made no confusion to my righteous. Therefore, before Me shall be gathered all the nations. And I shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. By my double-edged sword, I shall set the sheep on My righteous right hand, but the goats on My left hand. For the sheep on my righteous right hand are justified by their faith, they are My Righteous. I have called all ones of Jacob and turned them into ones of Israel. No one can snatch all ones of Israel out of the Righteous Right Hand of the Lion of Judah. As for any fake Israel of the roaring lion, they will keep being burned by the Righteous Sun, as Malachi Chapter four verse one to four wrote. When they are sent to hell, the lake of fire in hell will leave them neither root nor branch. Amen, amen, for the Son of Man has spoken.
Therefore, with healing in My wings of liberty, all you righteous ones of true Israel of Lion of Judah who saves, Jesus Christ, shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. For I have set you free from the leaven of the Jews, the fake Israel of the roaring lion who devours. For I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. No one comes to the Father except through Me.