יְהוָה אֶתְכֶם בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וַיִּפְדְּךָ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים מִיַּד פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרָיִם

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה


Zionism and Nazism are the same thing.
If you believe that Jew is a race, your rabbi is Adolf Hitler. Zionism is the most antisemitic ideology, yet our US Government now has equalized Zionism to Jewry. According to both written and oral Torah, Jews is a religion, not a race. If you do not observe Torah like any other Zionist, you are not considered the congregation of Israel. That’s why in the Bible, God hates hunters and military leaders such as Esau and Saul, but love meek and peaceful men like Israel ben Issac and David ben Jesse. Zionists are teaching you another covenant which is not from God, because they are modern Nazis. Both Zionists and Nazis made covenant with Moloch, so they both use the six-pointed star and call Jewry a race, against Torah and against God. Even the smartest talmudim could be deceived before they experience the ugliness of this world.
Genesis 12:1-20
She is a Zionist “Jew” who denies Torah, an Evangelical Chrsitian, and a famous Nazi sympathizer. But this world doesn’t listen to Orthodox Jews. Trump will probably side with Zionism just like Biden.
2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!
The Cult of Christian Zionism: Exposing the Scofield Bible Scam

Another Jesus

True Christians only have one priest. If anyone tells you otherwise, in order to control you he is teaching you another gospel and another jesus. He just wants to control you just like Jesuits’ “perinde ac cadaver”. No wonder US Protestants in 2020s have acted as Zionists just like as the same Protestant Nazis in 1930s. Anyone follows their lead will face the lake of eternal fire.

Hebrews 4:14-16 

Evangelical “Christian” Zionists, Mormons, Jahovah Witnesses all professed Jesus Christ. However they are following another jesus, which is blasphemy against God. You can see their fruits in their deeds and prayers who are Anti-Torah, Anti-God, for they have another spiritual couterfeit. The Holy Spirit of True God will not contradict Torah.

Acts 19:13-15

Zionist Jews are false rabbis who believe both in Baal in the name of “Zionist Jewish nationality” which is against Torah, and in the True God they claimed to follow. Due to the two contradicting opinions, they said they are Jews, but are not. As it is written, How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him. Now the true Orthodox Jews are the only true Jews.

1 Kings 18:21-22, Revelation 2:9

1.You shall have no other gods before me.
But they asked you to “stand with Israel” as if Israel is unconditional.
2.You shall not make for yourself any graven image.
But they created their own definition of Jewish People and their own definition of Will of God which contradict Torah.
3.You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
But they use the name of the LORD on covetting, stealing and murdering business. Zionism is modern Nazism.
4.Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
But Zionist “Israel”‘s military action proved that they are like restless apes. When they agitated others, they called them terrorists, without reflecting their own heart.
5.Honor your father and your mother.
But Zionist “Israel” does not honor his own righteous ancestors, but commits deception and crimes. He even identified himself as she/her, and Christian Zionist calls Israel she/her, too, on their CBN News every time. It is not a mistake, but a proof of Satanic work.
6.You shall not kill.
But Zionist “Israel” professes the art of murdering.
7.You shall not commit adultery.
But Zionist “Israel” is the master of adultery. It even encourages its female citizens to commit adultery against their husbands in secular court. My aunt’s Haredi boyfriend’s exwife and many women have proved it over and over again. Modern “Israel” is not only atheist, but is totally against the will of God.
8.You shall not steal.
But Zionist Israel stole the true Jewish Identity from God. And later they have stolen the whole Chaldean, Egyptian, Edommite, Arab races, which are the true relatives to the true Israel ben Issac ben Abraham. The Zionist Israel is counterfeit from Europe and East Asia. And he identified himself as she/her. He is the master of deception like his father, Satan.
9.You shall not bear false witness.
But Zionist “Israel” has used US CIA and US satanist churches to bear false witness and dehumanize all Muslims.
10.You shall not covet.
But Zionist “Israel” has been covetting since 1948. Now they are covetting the West Bank, Lebanon, Gaza for their land idolatry. Their heart is not circumcised. Because they are Amalek. And their covetting will never stop.

Deuternomy 5:1-33

But all false Christians and false Jews will not hear God. For they are Zionists who obey the falsehood, as it is written in Jeremiah 13:25. If I had to be ranked with fake Jews and fake Christians in their falsehood and false prophecy, I would have already been an atheist.

Jeremiah 13:25

As it is written, the truth should make you free instead of making you in bondage. Do not continue to follow your lawless leaders to violate Torah. Zionism and Nazism are the same thing. Both are one-sided narratives, too. (Jeremiah 13:9) Get rid of your pride, repent and believe the True Gospel. Pick up your cross and follow me.

John 8:32

Evangelicals, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses: the cult that supports both Nazism and Zionism. By creating a man-made Armageddon, they believe dispensationalism and premillennialism prophecy will be fulfilled. However, Jesus did not come back in 19 century as the dispensationalists prophesied, neither before Nazi was defeated, neither when 1948 the Zionist Israel was established, nor will He come back because of your evil deeds. CUFI, CBN News, and all Evangelical actors, God is against you. All of you. Learn to start to demonstrate your love for Palestinians and Kuwaits. They are the true relatives to Moses, Abraham, Issac, Israel; their bloodline with Biblical Hebrews and Biblical Jews is closer than the bloodline of Zionist Israeli citizens. Their Islamic faith is also closer to Judaism than secular “jew”. You guys are deceived and are deceivers.
Isaiah 53:6
1 John 4
Revelation 2:9


Except Hitler’s American Protestant allies, he also reached out to opponents, like the international Catholics and their papacy. He signed a Concordat with the Vatican on 8 July 1933. Until then, German Catholic voters were loyal to their Centre Party, and it was they who were mainly responsible for denying the Nazis their electoral majorities. Catholics soon adjusted to the dictatorship, just like today’s American Catholics. German Protestants, just like American Protestants at that time, were sympathetic to Nazism all along. Why American Protestants and German Protestants are so obsessed with Nazi? Because of Hitler and his allies’ end time prophecy. And today, American Protestants are repeating the same history by the same end-time prophecy. And it has been for decades. Both Democrats and Republicans love Zionism just as they loved Nazism in 1930s. For less than 200 years, God has finally brought us peace and prosperity. But some people, who claim to do “God’s will” but in fact do Satan’s work which violate every Ten Commandments against all Torah, are desperate to use military industrial complex to take us back to the Stone Age. Biden has demonstrated utter support for the Modern Nazis, anti-Semitism, anti-Torah, and anti-God. In the next Presidential Debate, we will examine whether Trump has the biblical courage to say no to the Nazis. The True Semites are not Europeans or East Asians, but Chaldean, Edommite, Arab, Egyptian races, who are the true descendants of Israel ben Issac ben Abraham. I have spoken against ye, Americans. Leave your cultish indifference, and return to God, even if it is hard.
Genesis 12:1-20

US SAC PAG will continue to put dehumanizing propaganda on CNN, Fox News, CBN News, all media, and all internet accounts. When all targets are killed, they will generate more targets in kill chain, mostly civilian units. US taxpayers indeed paid all of its own “defense” budgets of Middle East programs for Israeli government, and indeed paid more than 100% of Israeli government defense budget through authorization, aid, and gifts. Both Democrats and Republicans are soaked with bloody Anti-God business due to US cultist false prophecy. Someday, there will be another Islamic false prophet, who actually believes in Christian Zionist’s end-time prophecy just like Osama bin Laden, to launch more so-called retaliation. Our government refuses to obey the law of God, so we bear the terrorist consequences of our government’s actions. And US government will continue to tolerate the source of all ideological weapons.
Psalms 119:155-176

If you are unable to love terrorists, your spirit isn’t Holy Spirit, and your jesus is Moloch. Let alone more than 99% Palestinians are not terrorists. Your Zionism is a cult, just like Protestant Nazis. And you still reject to repent from your wickedness. You are the ones stray from the gospel and from the bible and from Torah. God will never contradict Torah. Muslims are better than you if you fail to love Palestinians. You become a hypocrite because Satan is your father and Moloch is your God. I am only responsible for the government of USA and the government of Taiwan. But Zionist government claims that they are representing me to destroy Palestinians in the name of anti-terrorism. US CIA and evangelical churches, you are committing this crime by your political warfare campaigns. And God has been against you. True Muslims and True Jews never hate each other. It’s Zionist government, named Israel, but he identifies himself as she/her, hates his own Jihad creation such as Hamas. He is more evil than his own creation. And now you do not know how to love innocent people, because of their deception. You need to repent and return to God.
1 John 4