Bad Company
Bad company corrupt good morals. Therefore, we see no matter how much we Americans pay taxes to give money to Israel and to fight for Israel, no matter how many lives we sacrificed our soldiers for the land of Canaan to our idols, the Zionism, not only we did not end the terrorism, but instead, our actions and thoughts seemed to inspire more terrorism against us, deterrence against us, and aggression against us. God shows us the signs, but we chose to be stiff-necked. More and more people have joined our rivalry, because our rivalry has more and more reasons to justify themselves against us. As both Taiwanese and American who read every work of my founding fathers and my puritan godfathers, I observed that we did not give our faithful allies the supports they deserve, instead, we gave our evil ally, the mighty and handsome Amalek, everything he demanded. The wrath of God has come upon us since 1948 when our evil ally started, because of our ignorance in facts, spirits, and faith. Therefore the LORD said to the Navim over and over, that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Born an Orthodox Jewish, my soul was in Mt. Sinai when Torah was given, and I mastered the Torah in my mother’s womb. But people are too proud to accept my God ordained teachings.
Israel arrogates to himself the role of custodians of Jewish interests after they assassinated the Orthodox Jews, especially the prevention of future holocaust, and as such elevates its holocaust rituals to the status of sacred more than God himself. It is a day laden with ideology - the “Hagevurah” dimension; the choice to establish it in Nissan; the association with Yom Haatzmaut. All of these are important components of the day. No good Jews nor good Christians should be expected to participate in this potpourri of anti-Torah heresy. This is the situation nowadays: Even though people see that the Zionist rebellion against God was not successful, and because of the establishment of the medinah we suffer bitterly at the hands of our Arab neighbors, and daily there are killings and attacks (God should have mercy)… and all the weapons of the Zionists (fully paid by all Americans) are not successful at stopping the terror, nevertheless people still continue to support the medinah, believing that there is in it some sort of Yeshua from Hashem, and Geullah of the Jewish people. And they don’t understand that the medinah poses a danger of destruction of Am Yisroel.
Very few people in the United States have studied writings of Thomas Jefferson or are familiar with the speeches of Patrick Henry like me. But the ideas of the founding fathers of the United States are ingrained in its culture, saturate its legal system, and permeate the minds and hearts of most Americans like myself, without any effort. Zionism influences Jews in the same way, and I was affected by it as well. Nowadays it is taken for granted that “Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people,” a false ideology which itself takes for granted that the Jewish people are a nation. People can debate whether Israel is doing good or bad, but it is assumed that, either way, Israel is the Jewish state that represents every Jew on earth. I was many times talking to people about the idea that, according to Torah, Jews are NOT allowed to fight wars in galus. Those people told me, innocently or arrogantly, that they surprised to hear that, because “Jews” gained so much by fighting in galus. Had “we” not fought in 1967, they usually claimed, “we never would have gotten the Kosel, and all its kedushah.” It explains why Zionist college students so often are unable to convincingly defend Israel against their oppoents on campus, even though the Zionist students outnumber their opponents. It is because their opponents are “better informed, more knowledgeable, and most importantly, better able to communicate their beliefs.” Then it adds: “Worse yet, the pro-Israeli mobs are often loud and emotional in both real life and on online platforms.” The Zionists are portrayed by the Western propaganda that are tall, strong, and good-looking, usually in a waspy kind of way. And they are paid with F-35 and all kind of bombs to kill people like insects. In portraying the Western, civilized, intelligent, and gorgeous Zionists fighting a life-or-death struggle against filthy, primitive, evil, murderous forces of darkness of oppression, the book resonated with the American and European audience. It made the reader, Jew and non-Jew alike, relate to the Zionist truggles as if they were their own, the Zionist cause as fight of good versus evil, and the Zionist characters as glorious European-type heroes fighting their ugly, unwashed Semite Middle Eastern “oppressors”. It also used pritzus and romance as tools to appeal to the reader.
But if how God sees God’s chosen people is how we are tempted to see God’s chosen people, we would have Amalek instead of Israel, we would have Saul instead of David, we would have Jewish Herod instead of Jewish Jesus.
1 Samuel
1 Corinthians
0701 Yisroel Yeshsakar