יְהוָה אֶתְכֶם בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וַיִּפְדְּךָ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים מִיַּד פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרָיִם

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה


史黛拉·戈德施拉格 (Stella Goldschlag) 和她雙親都是錫安主義者,所謂的「世俗猶太人」,maskilim,或是「 Haskalah 的追隨者」。她的父親是記者、指揮家兼作曲家格哈德·戈德施拉格 (Gerhard Goldschlag) ,母親是音樂會歌手托尼·戈德施拉格( Tony Goldschlag) 。在權力移交給國家社會主義者之後,像所有德國正統猶太人一樣,她最初生活在困難的生活條件和騷擾之下。但正如其他錫安主義者,她同意與國家社會主義者合作。她代表她在柏林搜尋躲藏的正統派猶太人,並冒充助手並獲得了其他躲藏者的下落。像其他錫安主義者,她非常精明於找出隱藏的正統派猶太人的社區的習慣、行蹤和聚會地點。她將這訊息直接傳遞給德國納粹的蓋世太保組織。1946 年初,像其他錫安主義者一樣,她開始冒充納粹受害者。戰後,她皈依了基督教,成為公開的基督教錫安主義者 (Christian Zionist)。 她接受了護士培訓,並於 1967 年移居以色列,從此自稱是神的真正選民。

In a speech in the early years of his rule, Hitler declared himself “not a Catholic, but a German Christian”. The German Christians were an Evangelical group that supported Nazi Ideology, dispensationalism, the second coming of Jesus Christ. It supports Scofield Bible and John Darby’s American Christian Zionist prophecy. Hitler and the Nazi Party also promoted nondenominational positive Christianity, a movement which rejected most traditional Christian or Orthodox Jewish doctrines. In one widely quoted remark, Hitler described Jesus as an “Aryan fighter” who struggled against “the power and pretensions of the corrupt Pharisees” and Jewish materialism, just like Zionists against Orthodox Jews. Hitler spoke often of Evangelism, stating, “Through me the Evangelical Protestant Church could become the established church, as in England” and has the merit of rising against the Pope and the Catholic Church”.