יְהוָה אֶתְכֶם בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וַיִּפְדְּךָ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים מִיַּד פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרָיִם

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה

Republican in Name Only


川普從他這兩年加入 AIPAC ,這四年幫助 Blackstone 在以色列的科技公司的 M & A ,和 Israeli settlement 的房地產,以及他現在選的副手人選是 Blackstone 和 AIPAC 的親密愛人,顯示他的團隊,都是要 all-in for Israel. Mike Johnson 的意識形態是民主黨,因為他的緣故,現在共和黨已經反對嬰兒的出生權。 Mike Johnson 甚至說過,他就是這個時代的摩西。所以耶穌說:「你們禱告時,不要像偽君子那樣。他們喜歡站在會堂裡和十字路口上公開禱告,故意讓人看見。我實在告訴你們,他們得到的賞賜不過是人的讚賞。」耶穌罵的,就是 Mike Johnson 這種叛徒。他們反對所有的生命,所以支持屠殺嬰兒和巴勒斯坦人。 你如果是真正的基督徒,你如果是真正的共和黨人,他們這些 RINO 就會討厭你。這是我們在美國的共和黨台灣人,都知道的事情。請不要拿那些只會泡遊艇、喝紅酒的傻子,與我們這些神的僕人,來相提並論。

是。川普以前「曾經」是「美國優先」的,也「曾經」公開反對以色列,甚至公開讓 Natanyahu 丟臉。但現在的川普已經初心不在。你們台灣人不要一直相信投機主義,也不要一直信川普的所謂「Trump-Style Negotiation」,不要一直相信無神論。你們應該要開始相信真神耶和華。這世界有絕對的道德在。而撒但透過人類的小聰明,一點一滴蠶食鯨吞絕對的道德。 因為撒但痛恨真神上帝耶和華。


這就是羅馬書 7:14-25 講的。

[14] For we know that the Torah is Ruchanit (Spiritual, of the Ruach Hakodesh); but I am of the basar (fallen humanity) sold under the power of (slavemaster) Chet. [15] For I do not know what I do/what I bring about. For that which I commit is not what I want; but what I hate, that I do. [16] But if that which I do is what I do not want, I agree with the Torah that the Torah is good. [17] But now it is no longer I doing this/bringing this about, but [the power of] Chet (Sin) which dwells within me. [18] For I know that there dwells in me, that is, in my basar (my fallen humanity) no good thing; for the wish (to do what is right) lies ready at hand for me, but to accomplish the good is not. [19] For I fail to do good as I wish, but haRah (the evil) which I do not wish is what I commit. [20] But if what I do not wish is that which I do, it is no longer I doing it but [the power of] Chet (Sin, Chet Kadmon, Original Sin) which dwells within me. [21] I find then the chok (law), for me who wishes to do haTov (the Good), that for me haRah (the Evil) lies ready at hand. [22] For I rejoice, I have simcha Torah, I have joy in the Torah of Hashem (the Torah of G-d), so far as the inner man is concerned, [23] but I see another Chok (decree/law) in my natural capacities at war with the Torah of my mind and making me a prisoner to the Chok (law) of Chet (Sin) which is [a power] in my natural capacities. [24] Wretched man am I! Who will deliver me from the body of this mavet (death)? [25] Hodu l’Hashem baMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu (Thanks be to G-d in Yehoshua the Messiah our L-rd). So then I myself with my mind serve the Torah of Hashem (the Torah of G-d) and with my basar I serve the Chok of Chet (the Law of Sin).
(Romans 7:14-25 [OrthJBC])