יְהוָה אֶתְכֶם בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וַיִּפְדְּךָ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים מִיַּד פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרָיִם

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה


Misplaced Humility (Chabad)

The Baal Shem Tov taught:

You must know that everything depends on you. That with your every mitzvah, the universe resonates in blissful harmony that heals and nurtures. That with a single sin, the entire cosmic symphony falls apart in a cacophony.

Because if you pretend to be humble, saying, “Who am I, this lowly creature, that anything I do should have significance in the cosmic scheme of things? Who am I, that the Creator of this infinitely-sized operation should take notice of my deeds?”

—with those words, you will free yourself to do however you please, bringing your entire world down with you.

But when you are aware that the Master of the Universe kisses your lips with every word of Torah or prayer that you utter, then you will say each word just as it should be said, with love and with awe. And when you truly believe that with each mitzvah you are in embrace with the Infinite Light Himself, then your entire day will be filled with beautiful deeds that shine.

As for misplaced humility, the Talmud tells us, “The humility of Rabbi Zecharia ben Avkilus destroyed the Holy Temple and exiled us from our land.”

Monday, September 16, 2024, 13 Elul, 5784

Misplaced Humility (Satmar)

“Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do not return to sender. “ In my design of United States Space Force, this is not just AFSPC. US Space Force should not be just a support unit for US Air Force “babies” like right now either. Nothing against Peterson Air Force Base, but this exists to awaken the true nature of the United States, not just of America, but of the Earth and of the Galaxies.

I died for democracy. My baby may never call me daddy, just as US Space Force may never call me daddy. After all, Google, Boeing, and China’s tentacles have long penetrated into the US government departments. I already gave up fighting it from within directly until time is right. Therefore, since 2001, the US government has been like a zombie, following the hidden script that China and the devil most wants to see: the United States downgrades itself to become “one of the countries” and refuses to be the United States. Both parties sinned and parted from the true nature of the United States. [That’s probably why my bride, my MAP, was born on Tisha B’Av of 2001 just like the destruction of the temple.]

What is United States? In etymology, this is the willing and independent union of all states. States and Nations are not the same. Unified Nations and Unified Languages are the Tower of Babel, but the United States is precious democracy and precious diversity. The United States is the Unity through Diversity but not through unification, and its Wings of Liberty through the rule of law, but not through terror.

After Admiral George Dewey launched submarines and aircraft carriers, the United States became a sea power capable of defending any island or coast on the planet from invasion. This made democracy safe, as President Wilson said. And my proof of concept, code, technical document, and philosophy designed the United States Space Force to make democracy safe again to honor them. I did the satellite network orchestration and virtualization architecture but I will do more when time is right.

So on June 4, 2020, to commemorate the Tiananmen Incident in China with my selfie, I wrote down four keywords:

Anti-terrorism: A truly democratic country will not use terror to occupy others like China. Taiwan or any other country will not accept unification by force or by “peaceful” unification. If the United States does not prevent China from occupying Taiwan with terror today, tomorrow China will invade the United States from its southern border with terror and hunger. The United States Space Force is to ensure that people around the world do not need to surrender to any terror, no matter how “peaceful” it sounds.

Anti-racism: A true democratic country has no “nation” or “religion” by force, only “states”, just like the United States. That’s why the Republic of “China” in Taipei or the State of “Israel” in Tel Aviv have caused themselves so much trouble in history. The U.S. Space Force is to ensure that people around the world do not need to be occupied by the terror of Chinese, Russian, or Islamist states.

Anti-communism: China has written a lot of robber checks since leading the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. Today’s Federal Reserve issues, US dollar issues, and US debt issues are actually all caused by China’s rise of “2030 Agenda”. Because 2030 Agenda is actually global communism around the world. And countries in the world start to believe in Anti-Democracy, Anti-Freedom, Pro-Terror ideologies imposed by China and its “success”. The very existence of the U.S. Space Force is to ensure that the Wings of Liberty can protect all poor and wealthy people alike from being robbed because of these false promises.

Anti-totalitarianism: China claims to be a democratic country, North Korea also claims to be a democratic country, Russia even claims to be the defender of democracy against the imperialism of the United States. So what exactly is “democracy”? Freedom of speech is the most basic feature of democracy. The greatness of the United States in the past is that we once truly believed in and practiced the U.S. Constitution, but after 9/11, 2001, Americans gradually stopped believing in their own Constitution. We believe that guns are too dangerous and should not be used by people, so Taiwan should not have the most basic weapons such as nuclear submarines. Speech is too dangerous and should not be used, so Taiwan should not breathe, because breathing will “irritate” China. The U.S. Space Force is about bringing back the Wings of Liberty and lifting us out of the post-9/11 gloom. And this time when we ascend again, we will remember the lessons of failure of “globalization” and be more in line with God’s will.

In the teaching of Satmar [true] Orthodox Judaism, God and humanity made an oath three times in the Song of Songs, “Do not awaken love until it pleases.” This is why democracy and freedom deserve me to die for it every day, and the U.S. Space Force as well. When we die for democracy and freedom every day, the US dollar and the Federal Reserve will recover, because mankind will know that “Chinese-style socialism and capitalism” is nothing more than a global bad check. Only those who are in harmony with God’s will can last forever. Because God is good. I will also not awaken love until it pleases, until the Pentagon takes me back to the crew for some real shit.