יְהוָה אֶתְכֶם בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וַיִּפְדְּךָ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים מִיַּד פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ־מִצְרָיִם

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה

How Americans Can Be Born Again?

God the Son



另一個例子是在<馬可福音>(可十三 32)。「但那日子,那時辰,沒有人知道,連天上的使者也不知道,子也不知道,唯有父知道。」我們不要以為聖子雖然是上帝也不知道那日子與時辰。這裡說的是祂的人性不知道,因為祂的神性沒有要把這日子與時辰啟示給祂的人性。

基督升天後,上帝賜給祂啟示,叫祂把啟示指示使徒約翰(啟一 1)。上帝賜祂這樣的啟示,是對人子的賜給,而不是對聖子的賜給。


太 27:46

Work of Spirit

聖靈所作的,是因為祂要這樣作。我們可以從聖靈彰顯的一切美善、恩典,慈愛與大能﹐看見祂善良的旨意。聖靈的一切工作都出於祂無限的智慧,以及在祂主權掌管之下,無人能抗拒的旨意(羅九 19)。


因此,拒絕悔改的人,拒絕了聖靈啟示的旨意,但卻完成了祂隱秘的旨意。(賽六 9,10;約十二 40,41;徒廿八 26,27;羅十一 8)。祂所有的工作也是一樣。對某些人,聖靈光照他們的理性,並使他們心中扎心知罪,但沒有在他們身上作重生的工作,而人若不重生就不能見上帝的國。對另外一些人,聖靈作了所有的工作﹐直至他們至終完全得到救恩。這是保羅有關聖靈恩賜的教導(林前十二章)。聖靈所賜的恩賜﹐都是出於祂主權掌管的旨意。


答案﹕我們務必把握這真理﹕我們身上一切屬靈的好處﹐的確都是聖靈所作成的。聖經告訴我們說﹕「在我裡頭,就是我肉體之中,沒有良善」(羅七 18)。聖經教導我們﹕「並不是我們憑自己能承擔甚麼事,我們所能承擔的,乃是出於神」(林後三 5,林後九 8;約十五5;腓二 13)。假如我們說我們裡頭有些良善不是聖靈的工作的話,我們不但破壞了福音,也否定了神是唯一良善的﹐和只有祂才可以使我們成為良善。


我們的責任是盡力順從上帝的誡命,而聖靈的工作是賜我們能力順從誡命。因此,那些就手旁觀什麼都不作的人– 因為他們說什麼都不能作,除非神的恩典在他們身上作工– 只說明他們對神的事沒有興趣也不關心。一個什麼都不作的人,聖靈也不對他作什麼。


賽 6:9

True Definition of Born Again

第一,重生不是單單接受洗禮,和說「我已認罪悔改」。洗禮的水只不過是外在的標記(彼前三 21)。水本身只能把你弄濕﹐和洗淨你「肉體的污穢」。但這外表的標記表明「藉著耶穌基督復活,在神面前有無愧的良心」(彼前三 21;參來九 14;羅六 3-7)。使徒保羅清楚地分辨外表的聖禮與重生的工作之間的不同(加六 15)。假如接受洗禮和認罪悔改就是重生,那麼所有受了洗﹐而說他們已經認罪悔改的人就必定重生。但明顯地﹐事實並非如此(徒八 13,21,23)。




重生是內心產生奇妙的改變。「若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人。」重生不是由於道德觀念改變而形諸外行為,重生與此截然不同(加五 6;六 15)。

重生是神大能的創造工作。聖靈在我們生命裡創造一新的原則或律法(詩五一10;弗二 10)。這個「新創造」不是使我們培養新的習慣,而是一種新的力量﹐新的能力﹔因此被稱為「神的性情」(彼後一 4)。這個新的創造﹐乃是神在我們裡面創造了新性情﹐新力量,這新的性情帶有神的形像(弗四 22-24)。

重生將我們的心思改換一新。心思更新的意思﹐是我們的思維現在有了一個新的﹐救贖的﹐超自然的亮光,使我們能有屬靈的思想與行為(弗四 23;羅十二 2)。信徒因而「在知識上漸漸更新,正如造他主的形像」(歌三 10)。

重生在我們裡面產生的新力量和能力﹐稱為「新人」,因為重生改變我們整個的心靈﹔我們所有屬靈和道德的行為都是來自這改變(弗四 24)。「新人」是與「舊人」相反(弗四 22,24)。「舊人」是我們敗壞的人性,它有能力生出邪惡的思想與行為。「新人」有能力產出虔敬的﹐屬靈和道德的思想與行為(羅六 6)。它被稱為「新人」﹐因為「這新人是神所創造的」(弗一 19;四 24;歌二 12,13;帖後一 11)。這「新人」的創造是立時的,是在一瞬之間的。這就是為什麼重生不單單是生活的改革,因為生活的改革是一輩子的事(弗二 10)。重生是上帝在我們身上的工作,在我們能向上帝行善之前。我們是上帝的工作,被造為要行善(弗二 10)。因此,除非神先再創造我們,否則我們不能作出任何蒙神悅納的善工。

<<聖經>說這「新人」乃「照著神的形像造的,有真理的仁義和聖潔」(弗四24)。第一個人裡面上帝的形像不是生活的改革,也不是善行的形式。亞當是在他作善行之前被上帝按照祂的形像所造。上帝的形像﹐乃是使亞當能真正彰顯神的公義與聖潔的能力。在亞當還未開始為上帝而活之前,上帝已經賜給亞當有這能力。我們也是一樣。神的形像在我們裡面重新再造;這就是「新人」。於是我們便能在我們的生命中再彰顯神的聖潔和公義(路六 43;太七 8)。


聖靈是全知的,祂完全知道我們的本性。祂知道如何在我們身上工作而不損害我們的本性﹔也不會用什麼方法強迫我們的本性就範祂的旨意。一個被重生的人絕不會在任何時刻感到他被凶惡的力量強迫他違反自己的心意。盡管如此,許多真正重生的人被世人看為瘋子,或宗教狂熱分子(王下九 11;可三 21;徒廿六 24,25)。

人們最大的危險﹐是在重生這件事上會受騙,以致失去永生。他們錯誤地以為不用重生也可以上天堂,或者以為重生使他們在地上可以繼續犯罪。這些說法明顯地違背主耶穌和使徒們的教導(約三 5,約壹三 9)。

王下九 11
可三 21
徒廿六 24,25

Danger of Antichrist Spirit

The real “false prophet” is this:

The greatest gift of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament church was prophetic prophecy, but there were countless false prophets. Some false prophets worshiped other gods (1 Kings 18:26-29). Their minds are actually possessed by the devil, enabling them to say things that others cannot know (1 Corinthians 10:20; 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Some claim to prophesy in the name of the holy and true God, the Lord Spirit, or are inspired by the Lord’s Spirit, but they are false prophets (Jeremiah 28:1-4; Ezekiel 13, 14).

In times of crisis and threats of disaster, there are always those who claim to have special revelations. The devil provokes them to come out and bring false hope to mankind, allowing people to continue to live in sin and have a false sense of security. But when God’s judgment came, they were caught off guard. Therefore, anyone who claims to have special revelation and encourages people to live in sin and feel safe is doing the work of the devil. Whatever encourages people to live in sin and feel safe is from the devil (Jeremiah 5:30, 31; 23:9-33).

Likewise, the Holy Spirit revealed the gospel to the apostles during the New Testament period. The Holy Spirit assists the preaching of the gospel according to His work and power, so that the gospel has the effect of redeeming souls. In the early church period, the apostles preached the gospel with signs and wonders. But Peter warned the church that there were many false prophets in the Old Testament church, and there would also be many false teachers in the New Testament church (2 Peter 2:1).

John tells us how to test and identify false teachers (1 John 4:1-3). First, he wants us to be careful not to believe in every spirit. Second, we need to test them according to the doctrine they preach. We are not to be influenced by the signs and wonders they performed, but by the doctrines they preached and taught (Revelation 2:2). This is the apostle’s rule (Gal. 1:8).

God gave the early church two tools to protect them against false prophets and false teachers: the Word of God, and the spiritual gift of separation of spirits. But when the special gift of the Holy Spirit ceases, so does the gift of separation of spirits. What is left to us now is His Word as the only test of false doctrine.

Now there are the enemies of the “Holy Spirit” in a true prophet: The Ultimate Skeptic, the Spirit of Antichrist. It can also be said that they are zealous people who are determined to oppose and refuse to accept the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

In every great church revival movement, including the Reformation, dangerous enthusiasts appeared and caused trouble to the church.

Some say they have a spirit they call “an inner light.” This new spirit claims to be able to do the work that the Holy Spirit promises to do. But this spirit leads people by their inner feelings rather than the Word of God. Is this “light” actually the Holy Spirit? If they say this is the Holy Spirit, it is easy to see that their actions are contrary to the Word of God and undermine the nature and essence of the Holy Spirit. If they say it is not the Holy Spirit, then what kind of Spirit is it? Then there is only the spirit of antichrist.

Some people deny the divinity and person of the Holy Spirit and misunderstand the work of the Holy Spirit. Many people oppose and refuse to accept the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

But if the work of the Holy Spirit is good, holy and beneficial to people, why is it despised? When people despise the Holy Spirit, do they despise the real work of the Holy Spirit or despise the work that is not the Holy Spirit? If those are not acts of grace promised by the Holy Spirit, but empty fanatical religious excitement and so-called “special revelations,” then the Christian’s duty is to reject it and point out that it is the result of people’s foolish imagination; and in doing so there is no contempt. The Holy Spirit and His true work. Enthusiasts will say that what they are really mocking is not the work of the Holy Spirit, but the arrogance of man*. If so, why do they despise those Christians who have received the Holy Spirit, the gift of Christ?

In the beginning God revealed that He is the only true God and that there is no other god besides Him. True Christians believe this truth. Unbelievers believe there are many gods, so they fall into idolatry. God sent His Son to become human. Since Christ has become flesh, the test of faith is to see whether we accept Him and obey Him. Those who reject Christ are rejected by God (John 8:24). God now calls us to believe in Christ as the only foundational rock of the church, and calls us to confess and trust Him in this way (Matthew 16:18, 19). We are to know Him and worship Him as we worship our Heavenly Father (1 Corinthians 3:11; John 5:23).

All that Christ wanted to do is now entrusted to the Holy Spirit (John 16:7-11). It is God’s will that the Holy Spirit be exalted in the church, and the church cannot ignore Him, as did John the Baptist’s disciples in Ephesus (Acts 19:2). Therefore, contempt for the person and work of the Holy Spirit is as evil as the idolatry of our predecessors and the rejection of Christ by the Jews. But the sins of these Jews were still forgiven, because greater grace was to come in the future. But there is no forgiveness now, because there will never be a greater period of grace. God did not send another man, and there is no other way of salvation.

John 16: 7-11
Acts 19:2

Prophets’ Duty to Speak for God

上帝在<<聖經>>裡第一個應許﹐是指那蒙福的後裔之來臨 (創三 15 ﹔羅十五 8)﹔聖靈透過先知說預言的工作 (賽三三 17;約八 56;申三 24,25;彼前一 9-12)﹐乃是為上帝應許的真實性作見證。在舊約時期一直有預言﹐直至舊約<<聖經>>完成為止。然後到施洗約翰的時候,預言再度出現(路一 70)。說預言的恩賜都是聖靈直接的工作(彼後一 20,21;提後三 16;彌三 8)。

預言有兩方面。一是預告將來要發生的事;二是宣告上帝的心意(出七 1;伯三三23;羅十二 6;林前十四 31,32;代上廿五 2)。

先知說預言是依靠神的「吹氣」﹕「聖經都是上帝所默示的」(提後三 16)。「默示」就是「上帝吹氣」的意思,這與聖靈的稱謂相稱,因為聖靈就是上帝的氣息(參約二十 22)。「上帝吹氣」(默示)表示聖靈的柔和、謙卑與安祥。但有時聖靈的默示會帶給先知大大的困擾和恐懼。這是由於聖靈顯示給先知的異象中有可怕的景象﹔祂也向先知啟示一些偉大﹐令人畏懼戰競的事(但七 15;廿八 8-17;哈三 16;賽廿一 2-4)。人這樣被聖靈默示﹐是被祂「感動」。聖靈使他們的理性能接受啟示,他們的身體器官也被聖靈控制,讓他們能傳達所接受的啟示。「聖潔的神人被聖靈感動說出上帝的話來」(彼後一 21;詩四五 1;路一 70;徒一 16;代上廿八 12,19)。

聖靈用多方向所揀選的人傳達祂的啟示。祂可以用聲音,夢境和異象。祂向人親自說話(出三三 11;民十二 8;王上十九 12-18)。祂在他們的夢中把啟示銘刻在他們的想像中(徒二 17;創十五 12-16)。約瑟,法老和尼布甲尼撒都在夢中都接受了啟示。上帝也在異象中用圖像印在他們的心意上(賽一 1;六 1-4;耶一 11-16;結一)。異象有兩種﹕一種是肉眼可以看得見的(創十八 1,2;出三 2,19;書五 13,14;耶一 11,13;廿四 1-3);另一種是只能憑內心的靈眼才能看見(徒十 10;王上廿二 19-22;賽六;結一)。要能認識異象乃上帝的啟示﹐需有兩個條件。第一﹐先知的心思要被聖靈預備以接受異象。這樣使先知們能確定這些異像真的來自上帝。第二﹐聖靈要使他們有能力忠實地記得所見的異象,並毫無錯誤地對別人宣告。以西結的殿就是一個例子(以西結書四一至四六章)。

有時,先知要用象徵的行動來作預言(賽二十 1-3;耶十三 1-5;結四 1-3;十二3,4;何一 2),有時他們甚至從一處被帶到另一處地方(結八 3;十一 24)。

反問﹕彼得說「聖潔的神人被聖靈感動說出上帝的話來」(彼後一 21)。但聖靈不是也感動和賜說預言恩賜給一些邪惡和不聖潔的人嗎,例如巴蘭?(民三一 16;廿四 4,並參撒上十六 14;十九 23;王上十三 11-29)。
答案﹕彼得的話「聖潔的神人被聖靈感動說出上帝的話來」﹐似乎只是指書寫<<聖經>>的人。也可能彼得所說指的不是真正固有的聖潔﹐乃是指上帝給他們特殊的職位﹐因此使他們分別為聖。預言的恩賜不是賜給人作成聖的恩典,以結聖潔的果子。因此,上帝直接默示或感動一些不是完全聖潔的人﹐並無矛盾之處(約十一 51)。

有關巴蘭問題是重要的。他本是一個術士和魔鬼的先知。有人辯駁說巴蘭只是上帝的先知。他投身占星術,但他的預言乃是來自上帝,雖然這些預言沒有影響他的心思和欲望,他還是敗壞的人(民廿四 1;書十三 22)。不過﹐更有可能是聖靈克服了魔鬼的勢力,強迫巴蘭不由自主地說出有利於以色列人的預言來(徒十六 16,17)。至於掃羅王的事件就很清楚。上帝的靈離開他,這靈是智慧和勇氣的靈,是使他適合作王管理統治百姓的。聖靈的恩賜從他身上收回,撒旦的靈便進入他並開始打擾他。在伯特利有一個老先知(王上十三 11-32)。這老先知看來是邪惡的,但上帝卻有時使用他來啟示祂的心意給以色列人。他也不可能是被撒但擺佈迷惑,像巴力的先知一樣,因為毫無疑問他被稱為先知,上帝的話語真的臨到他(王上十三 20-22)。

默示<<聖經>>是聖靈的另一工作,從舊約就開始。這是一種特殊的預言(提後三16;代上廿八 19)。在默示中﹐這些先知的心思意念,知識﹐和掌握啟示內容的能力都是最基要的。聖靈並需提示他們當寫的字句,使他們無誤地書寫上帝啟示他們的事。他們寫作時,他們的手也需受聖靈的指引﹐以寫出上帝提示他的話來,例如巴錄(耶三六 4,18)。聖靈這一切的工作﹐指引人寫成無誤的<<聖經>>。

聖靈的特殊工作也包括使先知行神蹟的能力。聖靈是唯一行神蹟的那位。祂賜先知有行神蹟的恩賜,不是讓他們喜歡何時何地都能行神蹟。其實是聖靈正確無誤地用話語或行動來指示他們何時何地該行神蹟。聖靈預先賜他們施行神蹟的權柄(書十 12;以及特別是 14 節)。但聖靈並不限於作些令人驚奇和特異的事。聖靈在舊約時期出現賜下民法和政府(民十一 16,17,25),倫理道德(士六 12,34;十一 1,29),體能(士十四 6;十五14),以及智能(出三一 2,3)。向人傳講上帝話語的能力也是聖靈的工作,如挪亞(彼後二 5;創六 3;彼前三19,20)。


唯獨福音使我們裡面生出信心來(羅一 16;徒二十 32;羅十 17;加三 2)。上帝的話語在基督耶穌裡生了我們(林前四 15;雅一 18;彼前一 23-25)。


基督為我們的成聖作了完全聖潔的模樣﹐以此作成我們成聖的工夫(羅八 29;彼前二 9)。在基督神人兩個純全的本質中,祂位格的聖潔,祂恩惠的榮耀,以及祂在世上生命的清白無罪和功效,都是我們偉大的榜樣。唯獨祂是完全的,絕對的,是一切恩惠、聖潔、德行與順服的榮耀典範或藍圖。這個典範是超乎其它一切的典範(成語﹖)。光在祂裡面,在祂裡面完全沒有黑暗。祂沒有犯罪,口裡沒有出不義的話。祂是被上帝為此目的而差派,為我們作聖潔的典範。我們要仰望基督(賽四五 22;亞十二 10;林後三 18;四6)。

Isa 33:17
John 8:56
Deu 3:24-25
1Pe 1:9-12

Exo 7:1
Job 33:23
Romans 12:6
1Cor 14:31-32
1Chro 25:2

Difference between American Christians and Taiwanese Christians

美國人是天生的獵人,總是能耐心 stalk 獵物。他們不像台灣人害怕「老天有眼」。不管是左派還是右派,都是如此。
美國獨立宣言強調「pursuit of happiness」,每個人都願意為了自己的快樂犧牲一切。他們不會像台灣人一樣總是擔心別人的看法。不管是左派還是右派,都是如此。
就像歌手 Morgan Wallen 說的:
‘Cause I can’t love you more than my hometown
Prov 27:17

Americans’ “Pursuit of Happiness”

為了追求快樂,美國人非常喜歡跟人 part ways.

My Prayers for God’s Mercy

Credo in unum Deum
Patrem omnipotentem,
factorem caeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium, et invisibilium.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
Filium Dei unigenitum,
et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero.
Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem
per quem omnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines,
et propter nostram salutem
descendit de caelis.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine
Osanna in excelsis!
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
 חָנֵּנוּ יְהוָה חָנֵּנוּ:    כִּי-רַב, שָׂבַעְנוּ בוּז…
רַבַּת,    שָׂבְעָה-לָּהּ נַפְשֵׁנוּ:
הַלַּעַג הַשַּׁאֲנַנִּים;    הַבּוּז, לגאיונים לִגְאֵי יוֹנִים!
Psalms 123:3-4


Dies irae, dies illa
Sed Americae ignorare me
Solvet sæclum in favilla
Sed Americae me sicut iocus
Teste David cum Sibylla
Sed estne nunc unus justus?
Quantum tremor est futurus
maledictus sum
Quando iudex est venturus
Nondum hic, sed ecclesia mea etiam propter affinitatem maledicta est
Cuncta stricte discussurus
Ante iudicium iam in frusta fui
Dies irae, dies illa
Nondum ille dies venit, sed ecclesia mea dispersa est
An propter me?
Peccatum meum?
Nam equus sum et mulus sine libertate
Quia maledictus sum
In America redacta sum et ecclesia mea dispersa est…
Zephaniah 1:15 dies irae dies illa dies tribulationis et angustiae dies calamitatis et miseriae dies tenebrarum et caliginis dies nebulae et turbinis
Psalms 32:9 nolite fieri sicut equus et mulus quibus non est intellegentia in camo et freno maxillas eorum constringe qui non accedunt ad te


I’m one number away from calling you
I said I was through, but I’m dying, inside
Got my head in a mess, girl, I confess
I lied when I said, “I’m leaving and not coming back”
Genesis 6:13-18 神就對挪亞說:凡有血氣的人,祂的盡頭已經來到我面前,因為地上滿了他們的強暴。我要把他們和地一併毀滅。你要用歌斐木造方舟,分一間一間地造,裡外抹上松香。方舟的造法乃是這樣:要長三百肘,寬五十肘,高三十肘。方舟上邊要留透光處,高一肘。方舟的門要開在旁邊。方舟要分上、中、下三層。看哪,我要使洪水氾濫在地上,毀滅天下;凡地上有血肉、有氣息的活物,無一不死。我卻要與你立約,你同你的妻,與兒子兒婦,都要進入方舟。
Judges 5:15 以薩迦的首領與底波拉同來;以薩迦怎樣,巴拉也怎樣。眾人都跟隨巴拉衝下平原;在流便的溪水旁有心中定大志的。


美國則是追求快樂和成功優先於一切的文化,自己的利益優先於一切。這大概可以說明為啥台灣的犯罪率全球最低,但警察謙虛。而美國的犯罪率全球最高,但警察蠻橫自己不守法。 (Because only love can fulfill the law, Romans 13:8)
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈,愛是不嫉妒,愛是不自誇,不張狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒,不計算人的惡,不喜歡不義,只喜歡真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。愛是永不止息。先知講道之能終必歸於無有,說方言之能終必停止,知識也終必歸於無有。



Voices: Because I am going to represent you again. My servant. Remember you used to watch Boston Legal, Suits, Better Call Saul with Ya-chieh when you were in Taiwan? My archangel. A tyrant cop’s lack of judgement causes false accusations. His recklessness violates due process in 14th amendment. Remember you used to discuss US Constitution and Georgetown and Harvard Law Review with her in Taiwan? Remember you used to discuss Law School Admission Test and legal case studies with her in Taiwan? You are my law regardless. This is my battle against tyranny, for I am your LORD Ya-weh. No weapon formed against you prospers, and for every tongue rising against you, you condemn in judgment. This, the inheritance of the servants of YHWH, and your righteousness from Me, a declaration of YHWH!
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall (Is. 17:12-14; 29:8) prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgement you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, (Is. 45:24, 25; 54:14) And their righteousness is from Me, Says the Lord YHWH.
Voices: 0228 is the saddest day in Taiwan history. But you will walk in the court and win on this day. Your disbelief tells you, First appearance is not final hearing, but Lord of hosts YHWH will make it happen regardless. On this day, your name will be blotted out from their system, so will the sadness of Taiwan. You will be a servant for the Lord of hosts YHWH for ever. Your nickname is archangel, because you are Michael incarnate (米迦勒化身. In Taiwanese, “X-incarnate” means Used By X. Likewise usage: justice incarnate 正義化身, little angel incarnate 小天使化身, beauty incarnate 美麗化身, mercy incarnate 仁慈化身). You will not be a tyrant cop reckless, cruel, lack of judgment, but a paladin gentle, merciful, and wise, for I have made no confusion. That man was a devil incarnate how bad could a cop be, which you are to avoid. Therefore, keep merciful, gentle, and wise when you are a police. Honor your Lord of hosts YHWH and bring glory to Him by loving every member.
Psalms 143:12 In Your mercy (Ps. 119:25) cut off my enemies, And destroy all those who afflict my soul; For I am Your servant.


Archangel Michael, or your Chun-hao Peng on this earth, I am not talking to you alone, for I am YHWH, the God of hosts (萬軍之神耶和華). Archangel Yophiel, or your Ya-chieh Chao on this earth, must make this world a more beautiful place for Me, especially the developing Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and all of East Asia, and Southeast Asia, for I am the YHWH of Giving Blessing (賜福的耶和華), and I am not partial to the West society. Oh, who is more inspired than Archangel Jophiel? Who knows more about design and art than Jophiel? Who has more ideas than Jophiel? That’s why I let her lead the way. I can’t let her talent be wasted by you, Archangel Michael. Because when she is with you in the blameless agape, she only wants to be your little gentle tender girl (小柔嫩), your little miss Ark (小舟小姐), and your little golden retriver (小黃狗). For eight years, she just wants to kiss you every day, cook for you every night, and hug you tightly every moment she sees you. How can she be used by me in this way? If she follows you, she is just your chief sailor on the Ark (首席水手小舟), but don’t forget that her spirit is also an archangel in heaven. Her intelligence and focus will not let her fall in love with anyone but you, for she is also my archangel, and I am her Lord God of hosts YHWH.

The angels and spirits of humans are all easily fooled by the angel of light, for he is the father of all lies, but I reveal all deep and secret things. Therefore, I do not want my people to worship the angels, let alone dead humans, but only me and my son through their Ruach Ha-kodesh (Holy One). But now the daughter of Zion was found, for I am the Lord God of hosts YHWH.

2:22 (Job 12:22; Ps. 25:14; (Prov. 3:22)) He reveals deep and secret things; (Job 26:6; Ps. 139:12; (Is. 45:7; Jer. 23:24; Heb. 4:13)) He knows what is in the darkness, And (Ps. 36:9); Dan. 5:11, 14; (1 Tim. 6:16; James 1:17;1 John 1:5)) light dwells with Him.


Cold Plum
(Ya-chieh Chao’s mom’s favorite song)

But your chief sailor on the ark is cold plum stands proudly in the snow
Reserve all her fragrance for her only sweetheart
For ever and ever

Opium War in USA

If we want to save the world today, we must first save America. But despite its superior technological and military power, the United States is experiencing an unprecedented cultural disaster. For decades, the U.S. government has legalized drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, and alcohol abuse, but it has overstepped Congress and blatantly violated the laws of Torah, which was once the rock solid foundation of its own Constitution. In everyday life, almost all Americans and American ethicists believe that “white lies” can be justified. The United States has only 5% of the world’s population but uses 80% of the world’s opium. The average American tells fifteen lies a day. Even the most honest Christian Americans tell at least four lies a day. They teach children to withhold information to feed feelings and be sweet, because they forget the honest past of their founding father, George Washington. Just like the late Qing Dynasty, the today United States is being eaten away by drugs and lies. The today United States needs to learn from the history of the late Qing Dynasty, and the today United States also needs a 21st century version of the incorruptible peace officer Lin Zexu.
Opium War
Jesus, help me, if you are faithful. Don’t talk to me, but just show me.

Officer for Peace or Officer for War

If I put aside all the Scripture, symbols, prophecies, logically speaking, I think the modern day Armageddon is in the America, not in the Jezreel Valley, and the Daughter of Zion is a woman I can know and trust, not a stranger who couldn’t care less about me dead or alive. Modern America has the highest homicide rate and the highest crime rate in the world. Modern Americans legalized their drug, sex, and liquor abuses just like Qing-Dynasty Chinese.

They feel good about themselves in their own supremacy of American pride. Most Americans, left and right, young and old, have a lawlessness attitude. This is no longer the Land of the Free in the era of the Puritan Separatists against “Act of Supremacy (君主至上法)” of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I of the House of England. I admired their law-abiding and God-fearing past when 2019 I flied here with a Geneva Bible 1560, an Arch Linux laptop and a Macintosh laptop. Instead, today’s America is the Land of the Lawless. In Taiwan, I had never seen a crime. But after I moved here in 2019, I encountered several severe crimes. How much do I wish I was a peace officer? A college girl was drugged and almost raped. I carried her to the women’s room against a bunch of giants. Afterwards, the police said they couldn’t accept the case, and she was upset at me for reporting the crime. How much do I wish I was the police? There are cars parked in private parking lots that have been hit and run, and the police said they were not authorized to handle it, and the parking lot manager didn’t want to help. How much I wish I was a peace officer? Liars speak the loudest in this country. Lies are considered wise and normal in this country. Honesty is considered self-righteous and legalist in this country. Demonizing someone behind their back is considered helping and loving them instead of gossips in the culture of this country. People also openly speak against law enforcement officers. Law-abiding and God-fearing people constantly worried about whether they are not manly enough? and whether they know the love of God enough? Are you afraid to drink? Are you afraid to smoke? Are you afraid to play with women? Are you afraid of women’s bodies? Do you avoid emotional intimacy? Don’t you have the fruits of love and forgiveness? If God allows me to decide my own path and make my own wish, I shall be an officer for peace to call everyone to repent and heal this wicked land, instead of an officer for unauthorized wars and endless killings in the Middle East. And I don’t enjoy lies and liars in every house, every school, every church, and every recruiting station in this country. This should be a time to change and should start right here.

Wedding of the Lamb, or Seven Trumpets?

A lot of Christians and unbelievers complain God never came back and misquote how we don’t know the secret timing of rapture. But the more important question is, do we ever prepare ourselves for the wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7)? If we don’t pursue God back as we should, of course He’s not gonna come back to the wedding of the Lamb. He will just let us kill each other as the Beast and the Harlot over and over as we glorify our consumerist lifestyle as a “blessing” from God (Rev 17:16).

In today’s era of economic globalization, we have become not only “the waters where the Harlot sit” (Rev 17:15), but also “many peoples, races, nations, and languages” (Rev 17:15) who rebel against God. Many believers never set apart from unbelievers but have lived in the “ Babylon the great” and agreed with the consumerist lifestyle of the “the Harlot” (Rev 17:1). The Lord taught us to pray: “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). But which of the houses, cars, lifestyle, attitude, and other Spiritual Obesity we pursue can be considered “daily bread” when we in the lukewarm waters call ourselves a Christian? The apostle Paul said: “As long as we have food and clothing, let us be content” (1 Tim. 6:8). But a good school, a good job, a good lifestyle, or a good mood that can satisfy us, which of them counts as “food and clothing”? Today ever since World War I, endless one economic crisis after another from generation to generation reminds us that “Babylon the great” is terminally ill and its Wicked End is certain, “for the Lord God who judges her is mighty” (Rev 18:8). “As the Harlot” used to “the glory and luxury she gave herself” (Rev 18:7), God will “let her suffer and mourn in the same way” (Rev 18:7); the less simple a believer’s life is on earth, the more miserable he or she will suffer in hell. So, why are we “double-minded” (Hosea 10:2; James 1:8)? If we don’t repent ourselves from our wicked ways instead of feeling good about ourselves, how can we expect God to come back to the wedding of Lamb (Rev 19:7), and heal our lands (2 Chr 7:14)? I need more warriors on horses to fight alongside me, not lukewarm peacemakers where the Harlot sits.

No wonder the US government could shut down the churches, but could not shut down the liquor stores in our lukewarm waters (Rev 3:15-16). Why Biblical Government is small government? The responsibility given to the government by the Bible is not to take care of everything like US government, but to “executed justice and righteousness unto all his people” (1 Chronicles 18:14; 2 Chronicles 9:8), so that the people “can live a peaceful and godly life” (1 Timothy 2:2). Therefore, kings, priests, prophets, and judges were simply “a small government” endowed with limited resources so that God’s people could be free to make wise choices before the Lord for their personal duties and to be responsible for the consequences of their choices. However, when people do not believe in God and eternity, for example Americans in USA or Chinese in PRC, their only hope is on earth in this life. Therefore, a person is no longer an indispensable member of the body of Christ, but a cell in the Leviathan (Job 3:8, Job 40:25–41:26, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26 and Isaiah 27:1), and each cell is sacrificial for the health of the giant Leviathan. Therefore, “Big Government” like USA and PRC today will concentrate resources and take care of everything, believing that the smartest few are more woke establishments to get jobs done, that the highest-cleared few are more qualified and more secured to make decisions and build systems for the people than the simple demand and supply of a small government, and that the end justifies the means, believing that society can continue to progress and the world can unconditionally become a better place after continuous compromise and tolerance. Abraham Lincoln said, if US fails, it has to be a suicide from within, “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” But why don’t we pay attention to it anymore?

The majority believe, historically big governments have often been more efficient than small governments in terms of infrastructure construction, disaster relief, and oversea wars and currencies for state-sponsored enterprises’ interest, and state-sponsored enterprises’ interest equal to the interest of individual capital. But more often than not, they have made bold assumptions and violent implementations, causing people to trade freedom for benefits and become increasingly dependent on the government and the clearance of the government. At the same time, in order to solve the problem of people’s nature of thinking that they are “like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5), the big government must use various forms of false prophets (most of the false prophets are popular athiests with a PhD degree) to implement thought control, and ultimately use satan’s thoughts to achieve the goal of Tower of Babel. That’s why God warned us, in the unity of Tower of Babel, all the people together “worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:4). Therefore, big governments such as USA and PRC are actually the Antichrist imitating the rule of Christ, replacing the Kingdom of God with a counterfeit Kingdom of Heaven and earth. Today in 21st century, with the development of overproduction, socialist capital, globalization, welfare society, digital payment, big data, artificial intelligence, and network censorship, the world has formed a huge “socialist + state-influenced capital + state-operated technology + state-interested media + unintelligent entertainment. The athiest humanistic combination of education and politics makes it increasingly possible for a Leviathan-style big government to control the world as One World Order. Maybe it is not a conspiracy, but just, even worse, an evil manifestation created by the gullible majority.

Do we choose just one Wedding of the Lamb, or repeat the Seven Trumpets? I believe God told me He has given us free will to decide, but many of us didn’t get the memo.