
清心的人有福了!因為他們必得見神。 ENTJ 1w2 Lawful Good Protoss High Templar

Officer for Peace or Officer for War

If I put aside all the Scripture, symbols, prophecies, logically speaking, I think the modern day Armageddon is in the America, not in the Jezreel Valley, and the Daughter of Zion is a woman I can know and trust, not a stranger who couldn’t care less about me dead or alive. Modern America has the highest homicide rate and the highest crime rate in the world. Modern Americans legalized their drug, sex, and liquor abuses just like Qing-Dynasty Chinese.

They feel good about themselves in their own supremacy of American pride. Most Americans, left and right, young and old, have a lawlessness attitude. This is no longer the Land of the Free in the era of the Puritan Separatists against “Act of Supremacy (君主至上法)” of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I of the House of England. I admired their law-abiding and God-fearing past when 2019 I flied here with a Geneva Bible 1560, an Arch Linux laptop and a Macintosh laptop. Instead, today’s America is the Land of the Lawless. In Taiwan, I had never seen a crime. But after I moved here in 2019, I encountered several severe crimes. How much do I wish I was a peace officer? A college girl was drugged and almost raped. I carried her to the women’s room against a bunch of giants. Afterwards, the police said they couldn’t accept the case, and she was upset at me for reporting the crime. How much do I wish I was the police? There are cars parked in private parking lots that have been hit and run, and the police said they were not authorized to handle it, and the parking lot manager didn’t want to help. How much I wish I was a peace officer? Liars speak the loudest in this country. Lies are considered wise and normal in this country. Honesty is considered self-righteous and legalist in this country. Demonizing someone behind their back is considered helping and loving them instead of gossips in the culture of this country. People also openly speak against law enforcement officers. Law-abiding and God-fearing people constantly worried about whether they are not manly enough? and whether they know the love of God enough? Are you afraid to drink? Are you afraid to smoke? Are you afraid to play with women? Are you afraid of women’s bodies? Do you avoid emotional intimacy? Don’t you have the fruits of love and forgiveness? If God allows me to decide my own path and make my own wish, I shall be an officer for peace to call everyone to repent and heal this wicked land, instead of an officer for unauthorized wars and endless killings in the Middle East. And I don’t enjoy lies and liars in every house, every school, every church, and every recruiting station in this country. This should be a time to change and should start right here.